Try to survive and perhaps eventually even tame an unknown planet in this incremental semi-idle game.

Inspired by Increlution, though if you've played that game, please be aware that the looping mechanic in this doesn't start unless/until you reach a certain point. So you do have to do some planning to make sure you survive long enough first time around.

This project is currently in early access, with a prologue and two chapters of the story available. I aim to release major content updates at least once every 2 months.

Discord Server: Shady Games Discord

Roadmap: Trello Roadmap

Donate: Ko-Fi

All known bugs are pinned in the bugs forum on the Discord server. Please check there before posting bug reports.

If you'd like to donate to help the development of the game, I'd very much appreciate whatever amount you feel it's worth. If possible, please donate via Ko-Fi rather than here on Itch, as I get a much larger percentage of the amount you send.

Updated 4 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars
(167 total ratings)
GenreSurvival, Strategy
Made withUnity
TagsIncremental, storygame, Text based
Code licenseGNU General Public License v3.0 (GPL)
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsMouse, Touchscreen


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(1 edit)

I dont like how the consumption is often made frustratingly frequent. Like I am consuming the supply while I fill a limited space with supplies. This guaratees death even after the first death? I stacked my backpack full and I still dies. Especially water, this chad hydrates like 10 second per bottle.

(1 edit)

Like I get the point of loops making things faster, but its not like I am going to use the same skill of doing a hyper specific thing faster later in the game. Its like really punishing.

Perhaps catagorise certain action as belong to the same skill? It would be easy to prevent skill farming too. 

Been having a lot of fun exploring and getting a little bit farther every time! Still playing through it but please keep up the good work and looking forward to seeing more!

How doth one prevent the imminent destruction of Santorini?

I believe it's not yet implemented - you can get to the place where you will in the future be able to do it, but you get a "to be continued" message the first time you get there and perform the sticky (blue) action.

Hey! Super fun game! I'm hooked to the story and the loop mechanics. Keep the good work!


I'm surprised to hear you're having balance issues, especially with the new non-skill system. It's a game, and it's not like you have to have a perfect solution. I had to repeat a segment an extra time or two due to a combination of my own goofs and just getting a measure of (and reduction to) various time/resource costs.

And because of the nature of the game, I feel that was effort well spent. If a later element is less of a struggle because I needed a few extra trips to Santorini, I feel vindicated, not robbed of... what, opportunity to struggle?

Make it work, make it fun... not just for us. You deserve to enjoy making the thing too. Don't go burning out on advanced calculations just because you think this point in the story should have us sweat out half our last water bottle. Plus, I think you've already solved that with some stages of the drilling draining water faster.

It's a cool playground you're building with text and menus. ^_^


The issue with balance is more along the lines of "ok, player just reached a new facility, and I want to give them X upgrade. I/my testers now need to check to see if getting that first instead of last trivialises the rest of the game." Or, to give a more recent example, I wanted to add an upgrade which fit with the story, and once you unlocked it, you could get it from the start of each loop. But I couldn't because I didn't know what effect it'd have on anything, and didn't have time to test.

This tool is specifically so that I can have fun, adding what I want when I want without having to stress about what it's doing to the game because I'll already know. 

I really appreciate your message though, and don't worry - doing a different type of calculations for a while will be a nice break from hitting my head against bugs which don't want to be found :D

Good luck! ^_^

(1 edit) (+5)

No matter what, I love this game, it's a story, it's kind of addictive nature. And it's active development status. I like the subtle increase in automation but not to a point where you only need to click a single button and let the game play itself; not only in terms of mechanics but also in the story, with the dialog subtly changing over time. In the end, I quite enjoyed my 34 loops, and I am determined to see the game improve. And I can't even wait to see the story expand; even though I am not that big of a reader myself, I enjoyed reading through every single line of the log.

TL;DR: 9/10 - Addicting, fun, and still lacks a point for the unfinished story, which hopefully changes in the future.


I would appreciate a 2x or 4x speed button / or something, you can chain all the beginning actions together. Otherwise, it takes a bit of time to do everything again all the time.


If you loop enough times, the beginning goes by faster. I think it makes narrative sense, like things become muscle memory for the character, and for you. It really only takes a minute or two per loop to clear Talos.

I lost all of my progress I was 11 loops in and then my computer died so I charged it and then got back on now my progress is gone

Don't worry about it, you'll be looping hundreds of times again as long as the computer doesn't die too often.

Why is it faster to go back from Laurion and then go to Santorino then go straight to Santorino? I don't get this.

It's not, (maybe it could be through grinding, but i don't think it's worth it) but you can go straight from the starter area to Santorini and save time for exploring the new area.


Welp, stuck waiting for new content (Astrape, and Strabo (Hopefully both are in the next update)


Discord link seems dead ;_;


The link is set to never expire, and many new people are joining each day. Just in case though, here's a new link which will last 7 days: Discord


Love this game! Really enjoying playing it. The new content is interesting, I'm enjoying sinking my teeth into it. I would really like it, though, if the log could reflect the player's actions even if they've done them 10000 times. It gets easy to forget what I've done so far, so even like. "You install the power generator in the rover," each time you do that would be nice. Maybe ones that repeat themselves a lot could be collapsed (ie "'You grab a water pouch' x5")

Keep up the great work <3

(1 edit)

I noticed that the loop after hacking the admin door I was no longer able to get my protein bars from the admin room. Unlock admin door or force admin door never showed up. UPDATE: It eventually showed up but only after repairing the rover hull. Not sure why


It's because unlocking the door becomes a part of the repair the rover action. hit the dropdown arrow to see the component actions. Opening the admin door is "Fully repair rover -> Repair Rover Power System -> Open Admin Door"

(1 edit) (+1)

The new update fixes most of the issues I've had with the original skill progression system. Still wish there was only 1 action to do all the starting actions with fewer clicks, but that's a small issue. New content is good. Love that it makes you go to the older locations to find new stuff. Wish there was just a bit more "permanent" upgrades. Such as optional actions in locations that you can only know about if you actually read the action log that get you lower resource consumption. Wouldn't replace the main progression, but would give more player agency to make the progression feel a little faster even if it actually isn't.

9/10 update


I'm honestly not even mad about losing the skills in the update. I see where the dev is coming from where it will cause balance issues while incorporating timers in the late game when you have all these maxed out skills. So far, the familiarity system they incorporated instead has been great. I do feel like breaking doors should kinda be a true to each other type of thing (each door broken in a loop will make it easier to break all doors in every loop. I understand it probably will never be like that because it would be a pain in the backside to code into the game.

(1 edit)

I just lost my save all my progresss :sob:

I somehow triggered a bug (don't really know how) that makes the air gain of powering up laurion work forever, after loops, anywhere and I don't know how to fix it

If you export your save and send it in a bug report on discord then I should be able to figure out what's happened.

Thank you

Will you be abel fix the terraformingequipmanet to terraform the planet later?


Tremendously fun! I like incremental games and I LOVE this one - it's got me totally hooked. Need to know what happens next! Want to explore so much more! Where do I give you money for a full version? Would absolutely preorder, 100/10, well done :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I am LOVING this. Can't resist a good time loop and optimisation challenge. I picture my character stumbling around at first, then later executing a swift and elegant dance around desks and machinery.

edit: never mind - thought I'd found an issue but misremembered the numbers involved.

(1 edit) (+1)

Managed to complete what's there - just barely.
Loving what's there so far, looking forward to more!

(1 edit)

how do I get to Astrape? I've tried many times but either I die of thirst or I run out of energy and have to start again :´(

best game i played in the last month


i was able to do it by installing the generator in the rover, going straight to santorini, installing the motor from the mining machine in santorini, using the energy cells you find there and loading up with as much water as i can (small water bottle + water pouch + water bottle full) 

There is another way, remember that the lost rover has some batteries too :)

You can completely skip that if you go straight to Santorini from Talos and charge the rover there. The upgraded motor will help you get there faster but eats a lot more energy. The 3 energy cells you find at Santorini will be more than enough. You really only need 1 of them once you've unlocked the route.

In Santori you find 3 fuel cells, in the rover you find 2 empty energy cells. All i said is that there are several ways to approach it :)

I'm a little confused... I never needed to load the generator onto the Rover before... but after the latest loop, now I suddenly can't leave Talos without loading a generator onto it? Now it requires power? Where did that come from? Nothing in the logs explain why that wasn't a thing but now it is?


There is a log explaining it. You see it while you're exploring Laurion and your character realises that you need some way to generate power. You don't need to load it into the rover though. It's purely optional. Your rover actually always has power, and always uses power, but it doesn't show you until you need to know about power. Since the rover has more than enough power to reach Laurion, you don't need to know until you find other uses for power (or somewhere further away to go).

waiting for the santori damn seems reallllly slow. its mostly just me waiting at talos for a while. i've already done everything else with the obelisk etc, is there seriously nothing else?


There _is_ a way to lower the dam without having to wait for it.

Also, there is one more relic to go for in the current update. Just keep at it.

(2 edits) (+1)

I saw somebody say you can recharge the rover in Laurion, is that true? If so, how do you do it?

Edit: figured it out, you just have to park it in Laurion

Great game

Two things, one that might be a bug.

When you explore Santorini, you find blueprints for solar panels for the rover.  I remember there was a thing about Telos having solar farms around it.  But there's no actual interaction there afterward; is this intentional, or am I just not supposed to get anything from that?

Also I feel like I'm missing something with Astrape.  There doesn't seem to be a way to even make it there with enough water to survive the tram ride back? 


The solar panels have been mentioned. Short version is I forgot that Talos was said to have them. I'll add an action where you can inspect them but they'll either be very weak during to wear/damage, or too big for you to mount on the rover.

It definitely is possible to survive the ride back. Hard to know what to suggest without knowing what you're currently doing though. I recommend joining he discord - lots of people there are happy to help, and it's easier to have a conversation.

I did figure out the ride, I was just being an idiot!


The Emotional Support Metal Sheets are back! It made me irrationally happy to see that you could still collect the leftover 5 sheets after unlocking the fast rover repair options.


i love my emotional support metal sheets <3

They actually have a purpose now. And yes, I did also take the emotional support food synthesiser coupler every time.

(1 edit) (-3)

you should make it if you don't dig on the rock it slowly regrows. ( and it should be slow, please don't make the regrow really fast)

Maybe only if you're in the room or just the entire run


That sounds really annoying

(1 edit) (+1)

I mean what's the point of saying it regrows if it doesn't actually regrow?


Flavour text, world building, or maybe the effect of your artifact counters the normal effect of that artifact.

In all seriousness though, this is a feature I'm considering for the future. But since the entire obelisk will be rebalanced in the future anyway (it's meant to be a mid-late game challenge, not one of the first), I'm not sinking too much time/work into it yet.

wait am i not supposed to be mining the third obelisk layer before even going to santorini?

In theory, it is entirely possible to complete most, if not all current content without mining the obelisk at all. In reality, that route isn't particularly well balanced at the moment, so mining first is the preferable route.

What I meant was that once there's more content in other directions, the obelisk will likely be made harder than it is, so that you're more strongly encouraged to go other places, find upgrades, then come back to deal with it. But there's not enough content for that yet.


such a great game,I love it!


I'm finding that, after some initial hesitation, the "per-action" experience speed boost works pretty well. Good call!

After so many times doing it, it really seems like there should be a "Prep Rover" option for Talos that gets all the initial stuff ready to go. (Leaving the optional stuff like the generator and such separate, etc.)

The game feels more polished now.


There will be another combined action to combine more of the rover actions, but it's unlikely to include the generator since you don't always want to bring that with you.

Glad you enjoyed the update though!


Alright, this is a pretty cool update! Some thoughts

-The new area was pretty cool to explore! I love how the Laurion-tier challenge of "Can you survive in the rover for X amount of time" is flipped to "Can you clear Santorini in X amount of time" which is pretty neat. I also liked how reading the logs in Santorini unlocked new stuff to do in Laurion- Excited to see more stuff like this in the future.

-I'm split on the new resource system. On one hand, it does a much better job at creating a sense of progression, with long timesinks like repairing the rover and long-distance travel able to be reduced much more substantially without making later parts too easy. On the other hand, it does get a bit weird in some circumstances- what's so different between exiting/entering the rover in various locations? It's the exact same action in principle.

-The new game balance in general is a bit harder than before. I appreciate that the changes make installing the generator a viable option, rather than useless like it was before.

-While the resource priority system is really cool in theory, in practice, having it reset everything to auto every loop is rather annoying, especially since this must be done at multiple points per loop as various resources are rediscovered.

-Combined tasks system was really cool for the most part, but it had an issue in some cases where you'd want to do the subtasks. For example, once you unlock the gather supplies option, there's no way to enter laurion directly without installing the generator or interrupting the gather supplies action.


Glad you enjoyed it overall! To address some of your issues:

- I've already planned a v2 of the familiarity system, which should smooth over most of the biggest problems with the current one (like the rover actions being different bonuses between locations) - Familiarity v2 on the Roadmap.

- I do plan to add a toggle option for saving the resource priorities between loops. Personally, since the preferred priorities wherever you end a loop are unlikely to match the ones at the start of a loop, I'd rather they reset to auto so I don't forget to change them and the character does something stupid. But I can see why people would want the option.

- Combined actions are also queued for an upgrade. The main thing will probably be making travel actions appear both inside and outside combined actions, so that you can still travel.

(1 edit)

You can click on the chevron next to combined tasks to get the subtasks... with that it's fairly easy to just queue the 'exit rover, gather supplies' parts... or even just the 'gather water' part of the 'gather supplies' combined actions, etc.

Does look kinda funky with the four? tiered combined action for repairing the rover tho... so much ungrouping possible.


Ah, so you can. Not sure why I didn't think of clicking on the subtasks, thanks for pointing that out.

Doublechecked, it's three tiers on that one...

Fully Repair Rover > Repair Rover Power System > Take Non-Essential Couplers


Nice update! I'm looking forward to seeing how you address  the longer run times going forward. Even as it is, they feel a bit long for how many actual decisions you make.


I found a bug? 
In the Trello you posted this:
"Allows the player to decide which items should be consumed first, and which should be not be consumed at all (unless you’re about to die)."
I put my Small Water Bottle on DoNotUse thinking it will only use it when I about to die, but no, in my supplies I died from water running out with 5 bottle of water in my pocket.

Can you recharge your rover in Talos?

I happened to return from Laurion to Talos once, but as far as I remember, I was not offered to charge the rover, and the base energy was not shown, although the food synthesizer continued to work.


As mentioned, currently the answer is no. Returning to Talos was added very late in the patch, so the possibility wasn't really considered. For the sake of balance, I probably won't make it possible to do (at least not initially). I'll try to work in some in-game explanation as to why.

whats the better option for the rover? generator or water? i feel like i dont have enough water without it but the power gets super close if im not extremely careful.

You can park the rover in Laurion to charge it. So put the water recycler in the rover, and the generator inside Laurion.

generator for when you go to the third base

Depends which part you're doing. For the new content I've only used generator. For earlier, water was really good.

(1 edit)

Great game! I was excited for the new update but a problem occurred
After getting in the rover I went for the 'Reflection', found the artifact but after touching it I didn't have any more 'Actions' while having a lot of 'Resources'. Before there was an option  for a forced loop, but I can't find it right now, so I'm stuck

After touching the artifact, you should be able to "Get Back on Course", then continue driving until you die and loop.

The forced loop button only appears on your third loop (when your character is certain they are looping). Please can you send your exported save on discord so I can check it out?

(2 edits)

Sure, where exactly on the server should I send it - the 'bug report' section, 'help & support' ?

Bug reports please, thanks!


ITS FINALLY HAPPENED!!!! and i have the next two days off work, this is gonna be amazing.

discord link has expired :(


literally any day now. ive been checking daily, i cant wait for the next content drop.

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